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Altres característiques CSS.

Variables CSS (Propietats personalitzades)

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We asked members of the CSS community to share their “pick of the year”

My 2022 Pick: The :has() Selector

CSS just because even stronger at orchestrating UI interaction across components. We've barely scratched the surface of the impact of :has() on our styles.

We asked members of the CSS community to share their “pick of the year”

Adam Argyle

UI/CSS DevRel at Google

Feature Support Queries (@supports)

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Funcions de comparació CSS

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<code>min()</code>, <code>max()</code> i <code>clamp()</code>
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Cascade Layers

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Shadow DOM Features

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Trigonometric Functions

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CSS Nesting

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Native CSS nesting, excluding pre- or post-processors.
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Recursos recomanats

Dynamic CSS with Custom Properties (aka CSS Variables)
Lea Verou

Dynamic CSS with Custom Properties (aka CSS Variables)

Modern browsers ship with CSS Custom Properties, also known as “CSS variables”, a superpower that enables us to create reusable components without any JavaScript dependencies needed
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