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Control sobre la interacció de l'usuari amb la pàgina.

CSS Scroll Snap

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We asked members of the CSS community to share their “pick of the year”

My 2022 Pick: The :has() Selector

You might know this one as the so-called “parent selector” but that name does it no justice as it only covers a small part of what it can do. This selector has essentially changed the way I write my CSS.

We asked members of the CSS community to share their “pick of the year”

Bramus Van Damme

Chrome Developer Relations Engineer at Google
Pots utilitzar el control segmentat a la part superior dreta de cada bloc per canviar entre percentatges relatius i recomptes absoluts per obtenir una visualització diferent de les mateixes dades.


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Recursos recomanats

CSS Animations and Transitions
David Khourshid

CSS Animations and Transitions

Learn CSS animation basics and transition to advanced concepts like orchestration and choreography.
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