
CSS 用法

如何使用 CSS。

Testing Environments

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科學研究顯示,透過 Twitter、Facebook 或 email 分享本研究調查,最高可以讓 JavaScript 功力增加 15%。

What do you mainly use CSS for?

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What kind of project do you usually use CSS for?
我們詢問 CSS 社群的成員,分享「年度精選」

我的 2022 精選: The :has() Selector

We've been wishing and waiting for CSS container queries for so long. But then :has() arrived shortly after, and it felt like it was "everything we never knew we always wanted".

我們詢問 CSS 社群的成員,分享「年度精選」

Sara Soueidan

Independent inclusive design engineer

CSS 與 JavaScript 的平衡

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如何分配撰寫 CSS(包含 HTML 語法)與 JavaScript 程式碼的時間?


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有任何 CSS 功能是因為缺乏支援度以及瀏覽器之間的差異,覺得難以使用,或者避開的嗎? (自由填答問題)


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整體來說,覺得現在 CSS,還缺少了哪些功能? (自由填答問題)


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還有其它撰寫 CSS 相關的痛點嗎? (自由填答問題)
我們詢問 CSS 社群的成員,分享「年度精選」

我的 2022 精選: Empty CSS Variables

Not many people know this but --my-var: ; is totally valid CSS, and it's way more useful than you think. We use it in Tailwind CSS all the time to make it possible to decompose a single CSS property into multiple classes.

我們詢問 CSS 社群的成員,分享「年度精選」

Adam Wathan

Creator of Tailwind CSS


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How happy are you with the general state of web technologies?

平均來說,對於 CSS 的狀態覺得開心嗎?

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How happy are you with the general state of CSS?