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我們詢問 CSS 社群的成員,分享「年度精選」

我的 2022 精選: The :has() Selector

For two decades, “parent selector” was a top requested feature for CSS. Then in 2022, in a total surprise, the :has() pseudo-class arrived to solve this and far more.

我們詢問 CSS 社群的成員,分享「年度精選」

Jen Simmons

Web technologies evangelist at Apple


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在聽哪些程式相關的 Podcast?


PeopleBlock: No data found for block people_others
我們詢問 CSS 社群的成員,分享「年度精選」

我的 2022 精選: Container Queries

If I would pick one highlight for 2022, it's container queries! They are finally here in stable browser near you

我們詢問 CSS 社群的成員,分享「年度精選」


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Recommended Events

RenderATL: the largest tech conference with a dedicated Design & CSS track
Atlanta, Georgia

RenderATL: the largest tech conference with a dedicated Design & CSS track

Attend the ultimate three-day tech conference & cultural festival featuring Chris Coyier, Dantley Davis, Jina, and 80+ additional speakers & workshops with tracks for Design/CSS, Leadership & Entrepreneurship, Product & Project Management, Web/Mobile Software Engineering, and so much more! Use code “StateOfCSS to receive $50 off each ticket!
感謝贊助我們的伙伴! 深入瞭解。